Contact Us

Decided you'd like to place a request? Fill out the form below with the specifications; please make sure to enter your name on the Equus Sims forum, your contact address, select which package you would like, any extras (additional subjects/photos on top of the package), and a rough idea of what kind of pictures you would like, including any links to reference photos to poses you would like us to make for your photos.

After you enter your information, click 'Submit'; it will upload your form, make sure you press the 'Continue' link to ensure that it is sent to us.

When we have read your request, you will receive a PM on the forums from us (Margo May Kane) to inform you we got it, and to discuss any further details before you e-mail us the required files. Please keep in mind, if you submit a request while the Services office says we are "Closed", your request will not be accepted.

Currently, our offices are:

Please keep in mind, if you submit a request while the Services office says we are "Closed", your request will not be accepted.

Commission Our Services

Name on Equus Forums:
Email Address:
Commission Details:

If you would like a consultation or just have other questions or concerns, simply send a PM to Margo May Kane on the Equus-Sims forum. I will try to respond as soon as possible--thanks!


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