Resume: Daisy de Wynter

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Name: Daisy de Wynter
Age: Teen (15yrs)
Traits: Snob, Mean-Spirited, Ambitious, Equestrian
Jobs/Activities: High School
School Newspaper
Lawrence Equestrian Academy
Eventing Horses: Mumba

There are few girls out there with as surly a disposition as Daisy de Wynter. Few can recall when she's ever been nice--and even fewer can recall the last time she smiled. Nothing in the world lives up to her expectations, and she has no problems announcing this--leading to there being very few people out there willing to remain in her company.

However, if her arrogance gives her anything, it's incredible ambition. Daisy never stops trying to improve, and always expects the best--so she accepts nothing less than First Place from herself. "You're first, or you're last." Not the most poetic words to live by, but she lives by them all the same.

Though Daisy's talents span over many areas--writing, schoolwork, debate, and even art--she has always favored the riding arts most of all. Her family's rather enormous wealth--a tragic gift from her late father--has afforded her luxuries such as her own horse, "Mumba", as well as a place in LEC's Riding Academy.

Daisy's Eventing History

So far, Daisy has participated in the following competitions at Equus-Sims:

La Maitrese Show Jumping EventMumba1st Place

To request Daisy's skill in photography, or to ask her to participate in a competition with one of your own horses, please read the information in the Services section.


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