Our Competitors

Our Riders / Photographers

Below is a compilation of all the resumes of the employees or affiliates of the Equine Studio. Included is information about their specialties, their career history, and some extra information about who they are and where they come from.

Our Horses

The following horses are all those that have been used in competitions at Equus by the riders on this site.

Each profile is complete with all information pertaining to the horse: breed, registration, ownership, where they are housed, and a photo album of their activities. For those have placed in competitions, there is also a Career History section in their profile.

As a note about ownership--some of these horses are on Lease from other members of the community. Those that are no longer leased will eventually be moved to the "Former Competitors" section at the bottom.

Former Competitors and Extras

These profiles are of those horses who have either retired, were leases that were returned to their owners, or are 'extras' in the story Desperate Sims and therefore do not compete on the Equus Sims site.


mershe says:
at: July 25, 2012 at 12:25 PM said...

They are very beautifull *o*
where do you downloand all the mane?

Unknown says:
at: July 25, 2012 at 3:33 PM said...

The manes are not custom content--I hand-painted them myself in photoshop, after taking the screenshots. :)

Thank you!

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