Under Construction!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Over the next few days/week, this blog is going to be undergoing a little bit of a conversion process. I won't be changing the main URL to save some sanity--though it might be a little confusing an address for new folks--but most of the pages are going to be switched around, revamped, or deleted.

The aim is to turn this into a more suitable place to host Margo's photo studio--aka, a place for me to host and promote my sim photography offerings to the equine community! While the site will definitely remain centered around on Equus Sims, it will focus less on hosting information about my sims and horses (since I don't have very many to focus on to begin with!); instead, it will become a portfolio of "Margo's" work and a place to list available services that can be requested from her.

I'm still not sure how I'm going to meld information about the horses I do own into the new focus, buuut I'll figure out something! In the meantime, if you visit the site and things just don't seem right--now you know why.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to jot down your thoughts on this post until I get something up on the Equus forums about what's coming up.



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