Photo Shoot: Snow Day

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 0 comments

The days have gotten shorter and shorter--and with the release of Seasons, my sims can finally experience the frustrating cold as I do! Up in the snowy reaches of Canada, things have gotten incredibly chilly, with several feet of snow clogging the sidewalks and frost coating my windows.

It can be very frustrating at times, but winter is definitely my favorite time of year. I don't spend a lot of time outdoors, but nothing beats curling up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and a view of a street coated in white.

I  imagine Margo has similar feelings about it; she's never really been outdoorsy, but nothing gets between her and where she wants to go. And--naturally--she wouldn't want to be separated from her equine friends for very long.

As the snow started to get deeper, classes at the Academy were postponed until the riding trails can be cleared and the training yard is less icy. Margo still goes to the Ranch every day to do her job taking care of Dusty, Fury, Rocky and Mumba, but as she has started to form a really strong friendship with Bean, it was difficult not seeing him every week.

So, even though classes were cancelled until March, Margo still hitches a ride to Appaloosa Plains every weekend to see her Hanoverian buddy. There isn't much she can do, since practicing her riding technique isn't really an option, but the trip is worth a few nuzzles and a break from sitting around the house.

I have to say, the more I see these two together, the more I know how much this is a match made in heaven. I know I've been posting pictures of them for a while, but in a way it seems like their relationship is just beginning--in the story, and in my heart, too. They've always been cute together, but it's doing photos like these that remind me why I keep coming back to Equus--the relationship between a horse and a human is a beautiful thing, and with characters I love this much, I just can't keep them apart.

I hope everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is enjoying their winter weather, and of course--if you own it--the Seasons Expansion! I wish there were more ways for animals to interact with snow, but I guess I'll just have to take what we can get. :)

The Riding Academy: Classes Begin


Back in November of 2012, Margo and Daisy officially became students of the Lawrence Equestrian Riding Academy, and establishment built by Christina of Equus-Sims who has kindly let me use it in my story!

In Desperate Sims, LEC's Academy hosts classes for students from Beginners to Intermediate level--currently, both Margo and Daisy are "beginners" in the story, but I've used them both in some Advanced competitions for kicks and giggles. ;)

There are also several other sims who Margo and Daisy are competing with at the Academy:

More about them after the break!

La Maitrese Competition: May 2012


This is a bit of an older event that took place in May of last year, but I never posted the eventing pictures in a separate post.

Margo May Kane and LEC Espresso

Daisy de Wynter and Mumba

1st Place Daisy de Wynter & Mumba
2nd Place Margo May Kane & LEC Espresso

It was a bit of a clean sweep from the LEC Academy riders, but it cemented a very unhappy unease between Margo and Daisy. Neither of them have been able to compete in Equus competitions for close to a year--hopefully they can get back into the "reins" and start mastering the art of riding again soon! (But hopefully aren't pitted against each other too soon!)